
People Just Like You
Clients in all 50 States and over 60+ Countries
Word-of-mouth is a powerful force. It has propelled our products across all 50 States and in over 60 countries worlwide. The formula for success is simple; offer a quality product, backed by quality service with world-class after sale support and a company that depends on the success of its clients. Choosing a laser company to do business with in todays market involves a lot of risk, especially with the influx of sub-standard imports. We hope to earn your trust in both our company and our products and eventually we hope to earn your business. Please take a moment to take a look at a few of the clients we have done business with. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us anytime.
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Argentina | Iceland | Russia |
Australia | India | Saudi Arabia |
Austria | Indonesia | Singapore |
Belgium | Iraq | Slovakia |
Brunei | Ireland | Slovenia |
Bulgaria | Israel | South Africa |
Brazil | Italy | South Korea |
Canada | Japan | Spain |
Chile | Kenya | Sweden |
China | Kuwait | Switzerland |
Croatia | Latvia | Taiwan |
Cyprus | Lithuania | Thailand |
Czech Rep. | Malaysia | Trinidad & Tob. |
Denmark | Malta | Turkey |
Finland | Mexico | UAE |
France | Netherlands | United Kingdom |
Fr. Polynesia | New Zealand | Uruguay |
Germany | Norway | Venezuela |
Greece | Peru | Virgin Islands |
Hong Kong | Portugal | |
Hungary | Puerto Rico |
Our Clients: Universities & Research Institutions

Our Clients: Companies & Laboratories